From the very beginning, American Consumer Credit Counseling has been dedicated to two primary goals: providing accessible financial education to Americans at no cost and assisting them in achieving debt freedom. While it’s great to hear about our services directly, hearing from real clients who have experienced our debt management program is even more impactful.

A Story To Inspire

Now we encourage everyone to meet Jeanine, an everyday American who faced challenging times and turned to credit cards to manage her life. When all seemed lost, she found hope through ACCC. We hope Jeanine’s journey inspires those who may feel nervous, anxious, stressed, scared, or ashamed about their debt to reach out to us. For a brighter future, let ACCC be your guiding light to debt freedom. Call ACCC at 800-769-3571 to embark on your journey toward debt freedom.


Jeanine loves helping people. It’s one of the reasons she became a language educator. I wanted to help people understand English better and be understood in English better. I got a job teaching farmworkers English. It was super gratifying. I mean, they had been in the fields and 6 a.m. they would show up and learn English, but they ran out of money and I lost that job.” Said Jeanine.


First A Rough Job Market Would Lead To A Slippery Slope Of Debt

The job market would prove tough for Jeanine like millions of other Americans. Jeanine faced rejection after rejection. She worried about how she could afford to continue living in her place where rent was 2600. Jeanine stated, “I just couldn’t afford to live there anymore. I was living on credit cards for a long time. The credit card debt was very, very steep. I started to get very, very sick. I was throwing up all the time. I was losing a lot of weight and in the hospital for two weeks on like a feeding tube and like, unable to walk.”


The Stress Of Debt Was Taking A Toll On Her Health

“And it was a direct result of being so stressed out that my stomach basically stopped working. So I wasn’t in a great place. I have been seeing the same therapist for about three years. I was telling him that I was feeling really hopeless. Arthur said, Have you heard of American Consumer Credit Counseling? Here’s their number. I called you guys and it was amazing.” Said Jeanine. She later called American Consumer Credit Counseling and spoke with one of our credit counselors regarding her credit card debt.


The Shame Of Needing Debt Help Broken By ACCC’s Professionalism And Kindness

“There was a lot of shame involved in coming to a point of being able to say to somebody, hey, I need help with money now.” Confessed Jeanine. Next Jeanine would go through a counseling session to get her income assets, liabilities, and expenses. Then that information was used to help her create a budget. The counselor would even discuss any implications those items have on her finances.

“Honestly like having friends helping me with my money. It was crazy being physically sick and, you know, psychologically sick and you have to work and you can’t work. And then you have all this debt like it was just the relief of having to somebody be nice to you, which is like totally ridiculous. The whole experience was like drastically different from the second I gave you guys a call.” exclaimed Jeanine.


The Future Is Now Bright For Jeanine And It Could Be For You Too

She now has her own business, where she trains dogs for a living. Jeanine hopes that telling her story will encourage others to contact American Consumer Credit Counseling.

Watch Jeanine’s full story and other testimonials like it on our YouTube Channel:


If you’re struggling to pay off debt, ACCC can help. Schedule a free credit counseling session with us today. 

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